A barren land 

An endless space of nothingness

Earth and sky.

Swallowed up, fearful of the emptiness.

A breath of wind, stirs the surface.

Rain falls, dampening the ground.

Broken rock glistens, 

Stones, gravel shimmer

The bare ground softens.

Greening with mosses and lichens

Seeds soften, split, shoot.

Life grows in unseen cracks

Creeps, spreads.

Roots down and springs up.

Genesis happens.

For trees

Praise be to God for trees:

For shade, 

for shelter from the rain 

and a break against the wind.

Praise be to God for trees:

For leaves that embrace the sun, 

catch up the CO2, 

and release a breath of oxygen.

Praise be to God for trees:

For limbs and branches 

that file away the carbon, 

stored up for another day.

Praise be to God for trees:

For deep roots anchored in the soil, 

fastening down the soil 

and drawing up the water.

Praise be to God for trees:

A takeaway stall of diverse  fruits, 

nuts and berries,  

and sugary sap.

Praise be to God for trees: 

A nesting place, and a resting place

for a menagerie of dwellers – 

bees and butterflies, bats and beetles,

owls and badgers – 

and maybe too for me.


The gentle to and fro of the wave, 

back and forth, 


gently rocking, 

Loving God, calm us, and

move us as peace-makers.

The persistence of the wave, 

never stopping, 

never quitting, 

gradually wearing down all resistance

Loving God, sustain us, and 

make us a force for good.

The power of the wave, 

building up, 

growing in size, 

acquiring energy as it moves 

Loving God, strengthen us, and 

harness our energy to do what is right.

The breaker, poised but still moving, 

ready to break – 

to break out, to break up, 

to break forth

Loving God, contain us, and 

prepare us to spill out into the world.

The crest of the wave, exploding, 

releasing energy 

that breaks down barriers 

and undermines obstructions

Loving God, free us, and 

use us to reform the structures of the world.

Storm wave, tidal wave, 


that brokers no discussion, 

that overwhelms all

Loving God, override us, 

and free the world from its own vices.


The whale that keeps on giving

The wide vast oceans, 

tropical balm and arctic chill,

teem with living things 

great and small 

And  here dwells the whale – 

God’s tiller of the sea –

formed to frolic in its deeps 

and traverse its lengths. 

From an infinitesimal nil 

to 200 tonnes of mammalian flesh, 

its life spans a century full.  

A life of daily gorging and expurgating 10, 

nay, 20 tonnes of krill 

replenishes the seas with iron,

and spins once more 

the phytoplankton’s oxygen giving, 

carbon absorbing wheel.

From the depths the whale

redistributes food, 

sustaining small fry 

that dare not dive so deep.

Migrating between distant poles 

and warmer summer seas, 

the whale spreads the bounty 

of each mouthful it digests

and spins once more

the global food chain’s thread. 

Under the whale’s ocean watch, 

krill and plankton multiply, 

and so God’s worker feeds 

5000 mouths and more.

Its leviathan frame

 a maritime conveyor belt

of sequestered carbon 

that gracefully sweeps the seas 

till finally at whale fall

 it sinks to rest –

a carbon store 

for evermore 

upon the ocean bed.

Skip and Skitter

Now is the sky blue!

Now is it framed 

by a fretwork of branches 

where leaves still linger –

some as big as dinner plates 

some as small as butterflies. 

Jackdaws riddle the earth 

harvesting riches that lay below.

And squirrels skip and skitter 

their autumn dance.

All is now, and now, and now!

But tomorrow, next week, next year? 

Merciful God will they still be there?

Will our apathy, 

our slowness to act, 

our aversion to change 

allowed all this 

to be threatened, 

diminished, and 

evicted from life?

Have mercy.

But not just mercy –

rather prod us, prompt us, 

push us into action.

Renew our hearts and minds,

reverse our expectations

so that we change the future 

and once more 

be restorers of creation.


This prayer or psalm gives a seasonal update to one written in the summer

Praising God

Maxpixel painted lady butterfly

Painted lady and bumble bee

damsel and  dragon fly: 

their lives praise you, holy God.

Wood mouse and pipistrelle bat,

urban fox and badger:

their lives praise you, holy God.

Buttercup and toadflax, 

cat’s ear and pimpernel:

their lives praise you, holy God.

Girdled snail and leopard slug, 

shield beetle and earwig:

their lives praise you, holy God.

Copper beech and sessile oak, 

black poplar and mountain ash: 

their lives praise you, holy God.

Yaffle and mistle thrush,

jackdaw and sparrow:

their lives praise you, holy God.

But we humans – blinkered and wasteful, 

short-sighted and careless –

do our lives praise you, holy God?

Renew us, your people;

pardon our failings

and bless our strivings 

that our lives may praise you.


Using our Senses

Listen; attune your ears – what do you hear? 

The excited chatter of children,

and the chatter of jackdaws,

wind rustling the leaves,

and feet tapping the road.

Or the drone of cars – too much!

Or the whine of planes – too many!

Look; focus your vision – what do you see?

a lacework of branches against the sky,

and curvaceous clouds,

tawny shades of fallen leaves,

and the tight curl of a snail shell.

Or traffic crawling bumper to bumper – too much

Or discarded tatters of plastic – too many!

Stretch; bare your skin – what do you feel?

The warm caress of the sun, 

the chilly nip of the breeze,

the prickle of grass,

the textured bark of a tree

Or the rasp of exhaust in your throat – too much!

Or the scratch of particulates in your eyes – too many!

Sniff; breathe deeply – what do you smell?

The aroma of fresh coffee,

and the zest of orange juice,

the fragrance of the last rose,

and the warmth of ground spices.

Or the reek of petrol – too much!

Or the sting of pesticides – too many!

Savour; let it linger on your tongue – what do you taste?

The fresh acidity of an apple, 

and the earthy satisfaction of bread,

the squashy sweetness of banana,

and the melting delight of chocolate.

Or the fake sweetness of green wash – too much!

Or the gall of climate injustice- too many !

Merciful God, 

bring us to  our senses.

Help us rebuild a world 

of right experiences.


Where one or two …


A drop of water





Drip, drop – more fall. 

The drip becomes a trickle;

Drip, drip, drop -.

the trickle a stream.

The stream becomes a river,

a down pour, a torrent –

surge, rush, roar.

A flood begins with just a drip. 


Sun on snow. 

A little warmth,

a little melting.

A moment of easing,


         a shifting of weight.

                 gathering momentum –

 And whoosh! 

A million tonnes of speeding snow.

An avalanche begins with just one flake.

A swallow

perched on the telephone wire,

testers slightly. 

Now or later?

One swallow, two.

Another, three. Sway.

Now or later?

Four, six; 

Eight, ten. Now?

Gather, check, sense the air.

Now? Now!

Up, and away, 

wings beat, compass set,  

off – 

fare well.

Where one or two are gathered, 

change begins.

May God bless our endeavours.


May my heart be an altar  

pure and simple

where I praise God.

Not in oil fields 

but in wheat fields 

does my heart rejoice.

Not stuck behind the wheel

but freely on two wheels

does my heart rejoice.

Not coddle by a boiler 

but warmed by the sun 

does my heart rejoice.

Not gorging on steak 

but feasting on beans 

does my heart rejoice.

Not jetting above the earth 

but swimming in the water 

does my heart rejoice. 

Nor gasping on fumes 

but smelling fresh rain 

does my heart rejoice.

Not imprisoned by concrete 

but shaded by trees 

does my heart rejoice.

Not deafened but explosions 

but transfixed by bird song 

does my heart rejoice.

Not by hoarding everything 

but sharing with all 

does my heart rejoice.


Accept my praise, 

and my joy, 

Lord of my heart.

The Fragrance of God

I have no burnt offerings, 

nor fragrant incense to offer –

Yet I will praise you,

God in highest heaven,

for the joy of the gift of smell.

The tantalising aroma

of fresh coffee beans

that presages 

a heart-lifting brew.

The apple-ripe scent 

of yeast

and the warm smell

of fresh baked bread.

The fragrance of strawberries 

perfectly captured

in the jam,

as a delight all year round.

The complex layers

of red wine,

hints of berries and spice,

intoxicating my nose.

The sweet perfume of honeysuckle

and rose,

when I peer into the heart 

of each delicate bloom.

The smell of the river,

with muted undertones 

of weed and mud,

floats along on the breeze.

The musk of the stag

as the rut begins;

and the tang

of autumn’s decaying leaves.

Thanks be to you, Our God,

for such fragrant offerings

that lift heart and soul

in endless praise.